Monday, May 18, 2009
Fearfully Made ©
I fear rejection
disappointment and disappointing
I fear success
perceived expectations
I fear love
the completeness and fullness of it being condition-less
I fear trusting being vulnerable
I fear failing
too scared to let it end
I fear loss
everything I love leaves
I fear death
of passion, unfulfilled dreamsI fear not being who I was meant to be
I fear the intention of my existence
my life's purpose
I fear the war within, uncertain of who will emerge the victor
I fear being alone
would rather have it on my terms
I am fear-fully made in the image of perfect love
in need of perfected love--compassion
make me fear-less
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Take Me To The River
There was always
A power I could feel
It was guidance to tell
me the way to go
But nowadays I feel
like can't hear that voice
I've been flying blind
I need you to come
and be my eyes. (be
my eyes)
River Rise
Carry me back home
(I cannot remember the way)
River rise
Carry me back home
(I surrender today)
I was always
A charmed flower child
I would sit for hours
And listen to the sky
But nowadays I feel
like I don't have
[ Find more Lyrics on ]
that choice
I've been looking down
in desperation
I need you to be my
inspiration yeah
(My inspiration)
River rise
Carry me back home
(I cannot remember the way)
River rise
Carry me back home
(I surrender today)
I bow down
And I humble myself
I can't do this
Lord I need your help
All the material things
They feel like chains
If you're not here beside me
you're the reason I see
(Help me to remember the way)
I surrender
Help me to remember
Only you can show me
(Only you can show me the way)
I surrender
(I surrender today)
You are the only way
Lord, I need you.
song on India.Arie's latest
Monday, May 4, 2009
Scared of Lonely
Pretty Wings
I love Maxwell and am anxiously awaiting his new project (a triple disc set Black Summer's Night the first disc drops July 7, 2009). I woke up this morning humming Pretty Wings. I decided I would find the lyrics:
Time will bring the real end of our trial
One day there'll be no remnants
No trace no residual feelings within ya
one day you won't remember me
Your face will be the reason I smile
But I will not see what I can not have forever
I'll always love ya I hope u feel the same
Oh you played me dirty your game was so bad
You toyed with my affliction had to fill out my prescription
Found the remedy I had to set u free
Away from me
To see clearly the way that love can be
When you are not with me
I had to leave, I have to live
I had to lead, I had to live
If I cant have you let love set you free
To fly your pretty wings around
pretty wings your pretty wings
your pretty wings your pretty wings around
I came wrong You were right
Transformed your love into a lie
Baby believe me I'm sorry I told you lies
I turned day into night
Sleepless, I died a thousand times
I should've chose you
Better nights Better times Better Days
I miss you more and more
Repeat Chorus
Pretty Wings Pretty Wings
Pretty Wings Pretty Wings
Pretty Wings Pretty Wings
Pretty Wings Pretty Wings
Sunday, May 3, 2009
When A Women's Fed Up
I wonder when we, as women, will become a little less self-sacrificing. Stop giving ourselves away regardless of the cost. Must we lose ourselves to avoid feeling lonely, lose ourselves for sporadic attention paid to us by some dude who really couldn't begin to love us genuinely...especially since he has his own unresolved issues. I must love me! I MUST love me. I MUST LOVE ME!!!!!! Whether or not anyone else choses to. I must love me. Respect and consider myself. Realize that their is nothing wrong with putting myself first.
How much am I willing to tolerate, let go, allow to roll off my back before I say enough is enough? We all watch Oprah and Dr. Robin and listen as they admonish us to "keep it real" (not in those words) but do we really hear them? Their words resonate in the moment. Give us solace in chaos for 45minutes, but what happens to the knowledge given when the credits roll and Oprah signs off thanking everbody for watching? What happens? We go back to our lives. We live broken and fractured lives numbing ourselves to the abnormality of our existence. We convince ourselves that living with the hope that things will be better and the fear that they won't is okay, our cross to bear. Is it? Faith and fear (doubt, uncertainty) can not co-exist. We can and usually do choose faith, but fail to realize that we are not absolved of reality...relieved of fact. Saddens me that we far too often focus on fiction, wishes and daydreams...hoping for the person we married without stopping to think, perhaps the person in front of me is the truth, what is actual and the person pre-marriage was the illusion, a facade, a mask. When people show you who they are believe them. Please, believe them. As ugly as the truth is. Refuse manipulation and coercion and misrepresentations and empty promises. Your heart echoes the truth, don't be afraid to frightening as it is, listen. God is in the whisper. Amid the thunderous rumblings, God is in the whisper. Listen.
If we are really believers, truly bearers of Christ, then His word is absolutely applicable to us. Did the Saviour come that we would have life and that more abundantly? Are we not heirs to the fulfillment of each of His promises simply because we believe?
My wish (even my prayer) is for every one of my sisters to see themselves as the invaluable children of God they are. To finally stand and say I will not be pawned, bartered and traded, disregarded and put aside. Say from your soul, "I am worth it! I am worthy." Really hear Oprah, pretend that you are Contessa (the former prostitute...admittedly, we have all prostituted ourselves, sold ourselves bartered ourselves maybe not for money but for companionship, attention even fill whatever void), and feel it when she looks in your eyes and says, "You are not used up. You are not used up. God has great plans for you. You are NOT used up!" Even go back to the days of Iyanla and lay hands on yourself and "save yourself". There's only so far you can walk with someone until you have to let them walk alone...led them to the water, encourage them to drink but it is not your responsibility to kneel down and scoop it in your hands, raise your hands to their mouth to drink. Are they thirsty enough to change? To reject the lies of the past in order to rework the present and future? Furthermore, we (women) are not the Savior of our men, so get down off the cross. That's been done. Be a helpmate not a Savior...definitely not his momma. That said recognize when enough is enough.
Lastly, I wish peace wholeness wellness prosperity truth honesty and even increased self-esteem. All these things I wish for all who read in mind body and spirit, that you prosper even as your soul prospers.
Kiss My Fat Ass
OKay, to know me is to know that I am a fan of several things. All things Oprah, Destiny's Child and, dare I say it, Tyra.
That latter has been all over the news lately because of some "unflattering" photos snapped some time in December when she was doing a photoshoot in Australia. True, it's not the Tyra-size people have been accustomed to, watching her work the VS runway or posing scantily clad in their catalogs. Still, the headlines were ugly and just plain nasty. I get it, don't get me wrong, I understand the job of the tabloids is to sell their rags at whatever cost.
I know I'm gonna sound like a fan defending her "idol" when I say this, but here it is; I commend Tyra for realizing that this is bigger than her (no pun intended). Of course, this is only my summation of the thought process that went into the show she did on Thursday, February 1. I think it is necessary for young girls, even women to know that someone understands the struggle and is willing say it really ISN'T necessary to look like the retouched photos of models and celebrities that you see in the magazines.
Why do I care? Ordinarily I probably wouldn't comment on this situation. I would care just because I am a woman and I feel, in general, people need a more realistic view of what a woman's body should look like. As we grow and mature our body's grow and mature. We aren't meant to look, at 40, the way we did when we were 16. At least, I don't think so. I, personally, want to look like what I feel my body should look like at age my age (29) and after having 3 children. I thought I was fly back in the day when I sported a size 4. Now that my body's gone thru some things and I'm in a 10, I still feel fly. I know my body and I know that I am not my healthiest now. But that has little to do with the number on the tag in the back of clothes and more to do with knowing my body and just feeling my best. You know, I remember a time when trekking up a flew flights of stairs would not have winded me. It's about being healthy (for me). But I digress.
My main cause for taking notice of this issue, other than being a HUGE fan of all things Tyra, is the fact that I have three daughters. Yes, three. Oldest being 6. Middle being 4 and my baby is 16 months old. Now, I know what you're thinking. I shouldn't be concerned with issues of body image and how the negative remarks made about Tyra's photos would affect a girls self-esteem. Well, it seems that issues with self-esteem and self-love don't discriminate when it comes to age. I watched Tyra on Larry King earlier last week and I listened as a mother called in saying that her six year old daughter calls herself fat. Are you kidding? When I was six my weight was the last thing on my mind. Things are different these days. I know that makes me sound old but it is very true (not that I am old, but that things are very different these days). I just feel like there are more things for little girls to be concerned with than what they look like.
Bottom line is, we need to get back to what is really important. Our little girls should not be so consumed with their weight. Yes, we all want to be healthy. That should be the focus when it comes to our physical bodies. Just because a person is "skinny" doesn't mean that person is health. And just because someone is "thicker" doesn't mean they are unhelathy. We should all strive to be what is natural. Every body is not meant to look the same. There is beauty in the variation. That said, I am not giving any one license to go out and chow down at an all-you-can-eat at like 9 or 10 o'clock at night. Nor am I saying it's cool to snack on a Snicker's Bar at 2am. Be wise ladies, in our choices. Most importantly, love yourself for who you are today.
I truly feel that the future rests in the hands of women, us and the ones we bring into this world. Why else would we be going thru so much? At the risk of sounding preachy, why else would the adversary be so hell-bent on destroying the self-esteem of women (of all ages)? What better way to deter a woman from maximizing her potential than to keep her from believing in herself and making her feel unworthy? When you are confident, esteem yourself highly, believe in your worth and love yourself you recognize that whatever you set your mind to is absolutely possible!
I'm reminded of times when my older daughters will say to me or their father after they've gotten their hair done or are wearing a new outfit, "Am I beautiful?" I say, "You were beautiful before all of this. You were made beautiful." Then, there are times when my six and four year olds will ask, "Are you proud of me?" I look them in their gorgeous brown eyes and say, "I am very proud of you simply because you did your best." Building strong women is the goal. Women who are self-assured and who understand that their worth is not contigent on what they look like or don't look like. I want my babies to be healthy happy and whole! I want every woman to be the same! I don't know you but I love a woman, as my sister. I pray increased self-esteem, self-love and self-worth and an understanding that when I call you beautiful I am not referring only to your face but to your soul, your are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are an intricate design, unique, the only you that will ever exist. Dare to let your light shine! There's a quote I'm sure we have all heard, probably shortened or paraphrased, by Marianne Williamson and I feel like it is so fitting for this moment. Here it is(in its entirety):
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
I know that I am a fan and some might say that my view on this whole Tyra situation is slanted, still. I thank her for being unafraid to take the stance she has and for being insightful enough to step outside of her own personal feelings and see the potential affect it would have on girls and women that look at her and feel better about themselves. So, as a mother, I thank her for thinking of my daughters.
*I had to repost this one from my old myspace page because it is still relevant.
Reflecting On My 20s
I wrote this after reading something my best friend in the world wrote few days ago. The following started as personal reflection inspired by her thoughts. I re-read it several times and decided to share it. So here it is. always, I welcome your comments, questions, thoughts...whatever.
My 20s were full of things people experience throughout their lifetime...I guess you could call it the beauty of life...stormy days intermittent sunshine...I'll explain.
I have grown as a wife, as a a woman. Having grown a little more comfortable in my womanhood, kinda like the perfect shoes you were determined to squeeze your foot into because they were cheap and went perfectly with your favorite outfit, I would say that I have grownn wiser as I approach my 30s.
If I have learned anything, I have learned:
1) to accept that seasons are meant to change, even if/when we don't want them to. It's up to us to see the beauty in it.
2) compromise, consideration, communication (conversation) and common ground are allies to a successful marriage.
3) vulnerability is okay
4) it's easier to walk away. it takes courage to dig in your heels to heal, mend, apologize, love (unconditionally) when "like" is a distant stranger.
5) sometimes even a handful of friends are too many. don't be afraid to let people go (see 1)...roots are more important than leaves (though they have a purpose) to the longevity of the tree
6) treasure your children. respect them. listen to them. there's wisdom in them. if you listen even when they're not speaking they will clue you in on what they need from you as a parent.
7) respect your spouse as an individual
8) take time for yourself--when I was 20 no one had to tell me it was okay to make myself priority 1. Now, at 29, me time is a must in order to function fully as wifey and mommy (and any other hat that gets pushed my way)
9) nourish relationships...every Oprah needs a Gayle
10) never stop will NEVER know it ALL
(The aforementioned are not listed in any particular order of importance)
What I wish someone woulda prepared me for; isn't it obvious? I'm beyond wishing for my mother's resurrection. I wish I'd asked more questions about motherhood and just being a woman. I wish I had gotten the opportunity to know her as I am now--have our relationship fully transition from mother/child to mother/daughter. I wish my children could know, firsthand, where I come from. I wish someone woulda told me I'd spend nights crying unconsolably because of grief. I wish someone woulda told me I'd miss my mama so much it would physically hurt. I wish someone woulda told me how to help my brother become a man unafraid of the future AND his potential, tell him how he can actually be audacious enough to live the things he sees in his mind.
I wish someone woulda told me, when I turned 20, that I would come to know/trust love. That I would live for the smiles and laughter of my babies. That my heart would melt the first time I heard them cry. That I would forever be wrapped around their little fingers the first time that wrapped their little fists around my finger. I wish someone woulda told me that I would spend time in idle imagination wondering what life would be like had I chosen another path and that I would spend more time grateful that I didn't. I wish someone woulda told me, when I turned 22, that I would look into a man's soul thru his eyes and find it possible to believe that he loves me with every fiber of his being. I wish someone woulda told me that a man would cross an ocean and jump continents to find me and all my host of imperfections and say (straight-faced) that I am perfect for him. I wish someone woulda told me that I could lie in bed and dream aloud, that I could be with a man who is unafraid to say, "I need your help", that I could be with a man poetically spiritual enough to recognize that a phrase as wonderfully simplistic as, "will you take my hand" would speak volumes to me (even if no one else in the world gets it). I wish someone woulda told me that I could be satisfied--belly full, pants unbuttoned satisfied. I wish I woulda believed them had they painted the full brilliant picture in bold colors. My 20s (and my future) are all summarized by a portrait hanging in my livingroom of me, my husband and our children--my family!
So, in a way, I'm glad that I was unprepared; glad that no one drew a roadmap from here to there because there's no blueprint for this. No two individuals like Lawrence and I have come together as we have to create the family like ours so they couldn't really advise me on how to navigate it, at least not as detailed as I would have wanted it.
If someone woulda told me that I all I needed my mama for were roots and wings I'da probably cursed them. God is I know. I love you, Ma! I miss you...until 1,000 years is more like a day...
My 30th birthday is five months away and I am looking forward to becoming more of a WOman (remember that convo CJ?). What I know more now than when I was 20, with less cockiness and more calm confidence, is that "as I am" is good enough...I am, as I am, good enough...
*journal entry 6/10/07 1:35am
My 20s were full of things people experience throughout their lifetime...I guess you could call it the beauty of life...stormy days intermittent sunshine...I'll explain.
I have grown as a wife, as a a woman. Having grown a little more comfortable in my womanhood, kinda like the perfect shoes you were determined to squeeze your foot into because they were cheap and went perfectly with your favorite outfit, I would say that I have grownn wiser as I approach my 30s.
If I have learned anything, I have learned:
1) to accept that seasons are meant to change, even if/when we don't want them to. It's up to us to see the beauty in it.
2) compromise, consideration, communication (conversation) and common ground are allies to a successful marriage.
3) vulnerability is okay
4) it's easier to walk away. it takes courage to dig in your heels to heal, mend, apologize, love (unconditionally) when "like" is a distant stranger.
5) sometimes even a handful of friends are too many. don't be afraid to let people go (see 1)...roots are more important than leaves (though they have a purpose) to the longevity of the tree
6) treasure your children. respect them. listen to them. there's wisdom in them. if you listen even when they're not speaking they will clue you in on what they need from you as a parent.
7) respect your spouse as an individual
8) take time for yourself--when I was 20 no one had to tell me it was okay to make myself priority 1. Now, at 29, me time is a must in order to function fully as wifey and mommy (and any other hat that gets pushed my way)
9) nourish relationships...every Oprah needs a Gayle
10) never stop will NEVER know it ALL
(The aforementioned are not listed in any particular order of importance)
What I wish someone woulda prepared me for; isn't it obvious? I'm beyond wishing for my mother's resurrection. I wish I'd asked more questions about motherhood and just being a woman. I wish I had gotten the opportunity to know her as I am now--have our relationship fully transition from mother/child to mother/daughter. I wish my children could know, firsthand, where I come from. I wish someone woulda told me I'd spend nights crying unconsolably because of grief. I wish someone woulda told me I'd miss my mama so much it would physically hurt. I wish someone woulda told me how to help my brother become a man unafraid of the future AND his potential, tell him how he can actually be audacious enough to live the things he sees in his mind.
I wish someone woulda told me, when I turned 20, that I would come to know/trust love. That I would live for the smiles and laughter of my babies. That my heart would melt the first time I heard them cry. That I would forever be wrapped around their little fingers the first time that wrapped their little fists around my finger. I wish someone woulda told me that I would spend time in idle imagination wondering what life would be like had I chosen another path and that I would spend more time grateful that I didn't. I wish someone woulda told me, when I turned 22, that I would look into a man's soul thru his eyes and find it possible to believe that he loves me with every fiber of his being. I wish someone woulda told me that a man would cross an ocean and jump continents to find me and all my host of imperfections and say (straight-faced) that I am perfect for him. I wish someone woulda told me that I could lie in bed and dream aloud, that I could be with a man who is unafraid to say, "I need your help", that I could be with a man poetically spiritual enough to recognize that a phrase as wonderfully simplistic as, "will you take my hand" would speak volumes to me (even if no one else in the world gets it). I wish someone woulda told me that I could be satisfied--belly full, pants unbuttoned satisfied. I wish I woulda believed them had they painted the full brilliant picture in bold colors. My 20s (and my future) are all summarized by a portrait hanging in my livingroom of me, my husband and our children--my family!
So, in a way, I'm glad that I was unprepared; glad that no one drew a roadmap from here to there because there's no blueprint for this. No two individuals like Lawrence and I have come together as we have to create the family like ours so they couldn't really advise me on how to navigate it, at least not as detailed as I would have wanted it.
If someone woulda told me that I all I needed my mama for were roots and wings I'da probably cursed them. God is I know. I love you, Ma! I miss you...until 1,000 years is more like a day...
My 30th birthday is five months away and I am looking forward to becoming more of a WOman (remember that convo CJ?). What I know more now than when I was 20, with less cockiness and more calm confidence, is that "as I am" is good enough...I am, as I am, good enough...
*journal entry 6/10/07 1:35am
What About Yo' Friends
can you heal me, remove my pain, mend what's broken...I need a healing someone to wipe my tears, even the ones that can't be seen...that's what I say when I'm weak, when I've surpassed being vulnerable...when I am overwhelmed
damn if i ain't been hurt and betrayed, smile like it ain't nothing (not really the word I wanna use, but I'm tyrna stop cursing so much). i see you judging me like you know the whole story, like the entire picture has been painted for you, like you are fully aware of the going's on...maybe i should be more like that friend. Let me protect you, you say. don't do me no favors. I don't need your arms around me sheltering me from the eyes that hold the scales, checks and balances...justice wasn't blind when it came to me. It saw perfectly what you wanted it to see. perhaps vilifying me was the ointment for what ailed you. never mind the friendship, I was your sacrifice. saw fit to set aside the love you said you had for me to allow others you thought were your friends to sit in the seat reserved for Jehovah. for what? to perserve what? were they there to listen and console when your family treated you like you weren't there own? or when your love for ol' boy went unrequitted yet again and you were desperate to know you were lovely and loveable? guess i shoulda known better. shoulda known not to trust your shaded truths over my own mama's intuition..."Stay away from that girl, Lisa. Something about her I don't like." did i listen? naw. "Ma, that's my friend," I said in your all my fortelling I never saw that you wouldn't be mine, content to be my accuser...ain't that who the devil is supposed to be to the "saint". convenient truth was your ally. perhaps too afraid to test the unconditional part of the love your "friends" said they'd have for you...fearing it'd be like yours for me, conditionally unconditional. can't blame you for the way I love. arms wide open as the universe. I'm built that way.
you speak of god and purpose and will and testimony. what of choice? i own mine, don't you think it's time you own yours? I expressed a thought. I debated telling you, but I did cuz you were my best friend, thought I could tell you everything/anything. it's squashed. You push up on me. when confession is good for your soul you make me the aggressor. did I rape you? (please understand I am speaking figuratively) I loved...and it pains me that I loved you at all...let me be real and stop speaking in shadows...
I hate that you blamed it all on me and even now you refuse to acknowledge your role. I detest the fact that certain friends view me thru the tainted lenses you offered them...i should probably thank you because REAL friends love me regardless. I deplore your arrogance and the fact that you can't even see it. I am infuriated that I lamented the ending of our "friendship"...damn if I didn't mourn you. I am disappointed that parts of me live in fear that the ones I cherish now will leave me because I may suddenly become not so irreplaceable. I detest the fact that you, at a time, made me feel like my "feelings" for god weren't adequate because they didn't mimmick yours (I realize now it should have, possibly, been the other way around). I know that I shoulda never tried to embody, for you, what you could not see in yourself. I never should have allowed you to make me feel less "godly" because I chose the path of the "rebel" and you were the "zealot". There was a time when I thought you would be the godmother to my children. Then that memory is chased away by the remembrance that they could not exist had your malicious attempt to sabotage my potential happiness (sans you) worked. How audaciously selfish!
I suppose I should put a dedication to you in the book about my life I know I will write one day. Perhaps it should simply say, "Thank You". Perhaps I'll allow you to ponder what on earth I could be thanking you for. Sure if you think hard enough and ask yourself the right questions you would figure it out. You'd figure that I would be thanking you for the test, the fire to my iron. I'd be thanking you for teaching me that I should probably guard my heart a little more closely. I'd probably be thanking you for showing me what it means to truly get my heart broken. I'd be thanking you for showing me that in the midst of extreme vulnerability I can endure...battered and misunderstood...I can come thru. I'd be saying thank you for being my lighthouse on the shores of my enlightment to really understanding that there is freedom in truth (fact, not perception...I was there when Pastor Carlton preached that a person's perception is their truth). I'd be thanking you for making room for my closest friend. I'd thank you for kicking the door down to my having a forced disclosure with my husband before he became so (thanks for telling him how selfish and inconsiderate I was, among other things). I probably wouldn't say all of that because I believe that a little mystery should remain, so, I'd open and finsh by simply saying, "Thank you."
Sidenote: I think I am content to let this one be raw, straight from my gut. No editing or re-wording. I apologize for the lack of cohesion, but so it goes. Later!
hurt up!
Just a little background...this is an excerpt from an email conversation some friends and I were having via email. I decided to share this because I feel like this type of conversation needs to happen among a lot more women. Particularly those wondering why they're still single simply because they've got a certain birthday right around the corner and the plan they mapped out when they were 20 isn't coming to fruition or the societal norms seem to escape them at this particular juncture in their lives. Anyway! There is a portion of what you will read below that was not included in the email I sent to my friends because if we're really intuitive and close enough we know precisely what our friends will take in and what they will dismiss as you just rambling on...basically, no body like looking in the mirror with sleep in their eyes...let me clean up a little before I look at the truth.
Sometimes if we are constantly surrounded by the same ol' negative things that remind us of everything that has hurt us or disappointed us or causes us to revisit those things that cause/caused us to "lose" ourselves it gets sour and that's the energy we put out. No one is/should be attracted to that. Hate to get all Oprah but most times it really is as simple as changing our thinking...focus...concentration. I think women spend far too much time looking and waiting for a man to come sweep us off our feet, waiting for him to be "the one"...please! The focus should be on what truly makes us happy and fulfilled (not talking dollars...though that's nice). It's all about energy...what are "we" exuding? People, in general, pick up on energy. Females should do more introspection and self-evaluation before trying to become some Adam's (of any shade of brown, language or creed) rib. I know it's difficult to hear it from a woman who's gotta man (whatever! I have a husband...there's a difference, to me). Nonetheless, it's not any less true. I know girls have a tendency to take on that Juanita Bynum "no more sheets" attitude "saying you got triceps and biceps in yo' bed!" But who better to tell you about where you're trying to be than some one who has been there and remains there. Realistically, none of us can fit into our ORU clothes SO WHAT! It's not really about can I still fit into my size 6. If you can walk passed a mirror, halt your own forward progress and say, "damn, I'd do me" then a man will want you too. They are not as complicated as we make them.
I feel like far too often woman make decisions based on fear. We fear never finding/being loved or never having another opportunity like what we have in front of us, so we stay longer than we know we should. I think we fear loneliness so much that we'd rather live misreably with a warm body than content with ourselves. I've written it before, we sell ourselves (firguratively) for what? Attention? Sex (convincing ourselves that it's real intimacy)? What do we gain, really, from giving our bodies to some guy when we lie there wishing he'd have some real interest in our soul?
Anyway! I hate sounding like a skipping CD but somebody needs to tell the women of the world they are precious and priceless. I don't mind being the voice of the daddy you wished for as a little girl. I don't mind being the hugs you wished mama had the energy to give you when she drug herself in from a long day at work. I don't mind being the echo to the voice in your spirit that is far too easy to ignore. I don't mind telling you to love you first because you exemplify for the world how you should be loved. I don't mind telling you that it is not selfish to think of yourself first. I don't mind loving you for you until you have the courage to do so.
*orginally posted 11/21/07
In Mourning Over A Damn Dog
After much trepidation I decided to go ahead and let the city have my dog (my pet by default). King (that's the dog) became a gift to my girls from their uncle (my brother) when he moved to a place that could not accomodate a dog of King's size. My husband was reticent to accept this newcomer, but how could he resist four sets of puppy dog eyes (mine, Lauryn, Ashley and King who was only 6 weeks old at the time...adorable), I mean, really? That was six months, about 40 pounds and recent move/relo to another city and somene else's house (and rules) ago.
King was one big running jumping nipping ball of puppy energy. If you didn't know any better you'd thinking he was full grown...not even! In short, since moving to Oklahoma City I have had to go from homeowner to tenant and my landlord has become increasing less "friendly" regarding my pet...making all manor of threats...whatever! Like I'm scared or something. Anyway! Since he (the landlord) refused to fix HIS fence and refused to let my husband alter the fence to keep our dog from hopping over his fence I had to make a choice I never dreamed would be so difficult.
I had no idea just how attached I'd become to King (AKA little bad ass) until he and I were at the animal shelter last evening. I thought they would just adopt him out like the cats and more mature dogs I saw in their cages. The woman asks me, "what kinda dog is he?" Thinking nothing of it, I reply, "Boxer and Pit(bull)." She looks at me and damn near whispers, "you know we don't adopt out Pits?" I'm sure the horror I felt inside shown on my face but I had to ask, "seriously?" She just shrugged as if to say "DUH". I ask for a moment to think it over. I step into the atrium, frantically speed dial my husband's cell, then his work, then his cell again...he didn't answer...not even the text I sent asking if we were sure that we wanted to give King away. I take a few deep breathes, then King and I stood in front of the same girl that moments before told me, bluntly, that they would kill my dog. Now, to know me is to know that I am a little, okay a lot, tender-hearted. The woman is looking at me looking at her, King looking at me, other people looking at me looking at her looking at me and my husband calls. He tells me, "Lisa, don't give away your dog because of (name omitted...but just know that it's my ass of a landlord). If you want to keep your dog, keep him. Okay?" I'm in tears looking foolish to on-lookers whom I could care less about. So, I hang up my cell phone and take my wet eyes and King's brown ones back to my car after apologizing to the woman behind the desk whose patience I was testing.
At the car, King and I talk it over and I apologize to him. Hug his disobedient neck and kiss the top of his irreverant head, promising that his successor would grow old with me and my girls. I suck up more tears and walk back inside. The same woman whispered to her co-worker that I was the one they'd been talking about moments before (like I couldn't read her lips, heffa). I didn't really care that I had been the subject of her venting. I apologized (insincerely) for causing her such frustration saying this was a very difficult decision. She half-heartedly said it was okay and asked, "Are you sure this time?" Her tone was stoaic, face like she'd never loved anything or anyone in her life. I stood there, holding King's leash taughtly with him obediently sitting by my side (that was new, like he knew what was about to go down). I gave her my name and phone number and address. I don't think anyone has ever entered my data at lightning speed before. Before I knew it, she was shoving papers across the desk at me for my signature. I signed them, offering King my apologetic eyes as another woman put a generic leash around his neck. I watched him walk away, wagging his tail like he was going to be bathed not killed...I felt like such an accomplice.
I'm sitting in the driver's seat of my car, holding his leash and collar like I held some of my mother's clothes after she died (not comparing human and canine lives...though both important). I'm doing the ugly cry in the parking lot. Thankfully, it's a little past dusk so no one can really see me. I feel sick to my stomach. I flung my door open so that my empty stomach could rebel against me. I took the long way home, took Mario out and put Jay-Z in...feeling less like love more like a gangsta. When I got home, I trashed everything to do with King...his bed, dishes, food, treats...everything.
Lawrence (that's my husband) comes home and notices my melancholy mood. "You gave him away?" I just nodded because my eyes instantly began to well. He reminded me that he told me not to give King away because of The Ass (that's my landlord). I said, "I know," sniffled and asked, "Can we not talk about it." He nodded his concession, held me as I cried. A moment or two passed before he broke our silence, "I'm truly sorry for your loss," squeezed me a little then said, "Let me take you out. Let's get a Margarita." I said, "I don't want a Margarita. I want a Sangria." So TGI Friday's was the destination and a Sangria was the drink of choice to drown my sorrow. After that he and I went a bought a Christmas tree. Lauryn (my oldest) helped me put it up.
So today, I stayed busy and tried my damndest not to even think about King. Tried even harder to convince myself that the dogs across the street aren't aware of my sin because I swear they were howling when I returned without King.
I miss my Kingdom!
*originally posted 12/21/07
Thinking Aloud...
This may lack cohesion but forgive me. Let's blame it on writing in an unfiltered stream of consciousness. Here goes...
I think women, particularly of my generation, stay in situations (be it relationships, careers, in posturing) well beyond the intended season because we refuse to admit failure. I cringed just typing the letters. But that's what it is. Or is it? Recognizing that constantly being in a position of being on my knees begging to be loved, cherished, protected, validated and assured that you will never abandon me...hoping against hope that your promise of forever and eternity isn't as breezy as my house with all the windows up. I want to be able to trust you. I'm not referring to trusting that you won't make financially irresponsible decisions or even trust that you won't renig on your vow of fidelity. Can I trust you with me? The soft malleable parts?
I refuse to fail, so I stay, knowing damn well I should leave. Constrained by fear. Is that any way to live? paralyzed by not knowing settling for the familiar abuse.
I know what I want to say but I choose half-assed as my attempt is.
We all know what we want. Who hasn't made a list of must-haves for their prospective suitors. Knowing and feeling deserved are two different things.
You must make room for what you desire and deserve. Think of it as spring cleaning. Rid your space of the clutter. Let a little light in. See! Isn't your home beautiful? More spacious than you thought it was. Who wouldn't want to come in and get cozy? Especially since you've made room for them.
Women are too hopeful. We believe when a man dedicates a song to us it speaks to his true intentions. We believe that his flowery words are more than what them that root and blossom, are pretty to look at for a while until they wither and die. Tell me that you are not perfect. Show me your faults, your hurts and insecurities. And still be masculine enough to hold me and comfort me in the midst of my own. Truth is you love me enough to try not to hurt me but in your beautiful humanness you may. In the even that you do you can humble yourself and ask for forgiveness.
Ok, I'm frustrating myself by speaking in shadows. Damn it, just consider me! Yes, I have daddy issues like every other women born in the decade of disco. I need ,desperately, to know that I can be vulnerable with you and be able to trust you with it. Trust that you won't manipulate it for selfish gain? trust that you won't color me weak. Do we need to go thru trust exercises? I need to be able to trust that you won't bounce at the first sighting of my opinion differing from yours.
This should be so effing basic. Can i trust you? Not talking about love. Let that be the third rung of this ladder. Can I trust you with who I am at the core of my being? Will you respect me enough to consider me before yourself? Now we can get into the kind of love that we have weighed down so many stars with wishes for...unconditional love. Can you love me in the manner described in I Corinthians 13? C'mon don't say you can when you know you can't. And don't give me that BS of "I don't know". You know yourself and you know to what measure you can be unselfish. So keep it really real. Can you, by asking me to walk along side you for the rest of this life, give me the kind of love that would consider my wants, needs and desires before your own...especially if your wants, needs and desires will cause harm, hurt or harassment to my emotional physical mental or spiritual peace? Can you assure that your "love" will not be belligerent? Can you assure me that your love will be compassionate?
I don't know. The older I get the more I feel like love, though integral, is not central to the longevity of a relationship. Allow me to qualify that statement before you write me off as crazy and start questioning whether or not I love my own husband. Of course I do. That said, loving him is not the sole basis for choosing to respect and consider him in my decision making. Is it important, for me, to know that he loves me? Duh! It is more important to know that I can trust him with the parts of me that are so delicate that few people (one person outside of him) even know exist.
Anyway! I'm done rambling....literally. If you took the time to read it...great. if you were able to make sense of it and it actually resonated with you...fabulous!
*orginally posted 5/24/08
I think women, particularly of my generation, stay in situations (be it relationships, careers, in posturing) well beyond the intended season because we refuse to admit failure. I cringed just typing the letters. But that's what it is. Or is it? Recognizing that constantly being in a position of being on my knees begging to be loved, cherished, protected, validated and assured that you will never abandon me...hoping against hope that your promise of forever and eternity isn't as breezy as my house with all the windows up. I want to be able to trust you. I'm not referring to trusting that you won't make financially irresponsible decisions or even trust that you won't renig on your vow of fidelity. Can I trust you with me? The soft malleable parts?
I refuse to fail, so I stay, knowing damn well I should leave. Constrained by fear. Is that any way to live? paralyzed by not knowing settling for the familiar abuse.
I know what I want to say but I choose half-assed as my attempt is.
We all know what we want. Who hasn't made a list of must-haves for their prospective suitors. Knowing and feeling deserved are two different things.
You must make room for what you desire and deserve. Think of it as spring cleaning. Rid your space of the clutter. Let a little light in. See! Isn't your home beautiful? More spacious than you thought it was. Who wouldn't want to come in and get cozy? Especially since you've made room for them.
Women are too hopeful. We believe when a man dedicates a song to us it speaks to his true intentions. We believe that his flowery words are more than what them that root and blossom, are pretty to look at for a while until they wither and die. Tell me that you are not perfect. Show me your faults, your hurts and insecurities. And still be masculine enough to hold me and comfort me in the midst of my own. Truth is you love me enough to try not to hurt me but in your beautiful humanness you may. In the even that you do you can humble yourself and ask for forgiveness.
Ok, I'm frustrating myself by speaking in shadows. Damn it, just consider me! Yes, I have daddy issues like every other women born in the decade of disco. I need ,desperately, to know that I can be vulnerable with you and be able to trust you with it. Trust that you won't manipulate it for selfish gain? trust that you won't color me weak. Do we need to go thru trust exercises? I need to be able to trust that you won't bounce at the first sighting of my opinion differing from yours.
This should be so effing basic. Can i trust you? Not talking about love. Let that be the third rung of this ladder. Can I trust you with who I am at the core of my being? Will you respect me enough to consider me before yourself? Now we can get into the kind of love that we have weighed down so many stars with wishes for...unconditional love. Can you love me in the manner described in I Corinthians 13? C'mon don't say you can when you know you can't. And don't give me that BS of "I don't know". You know yourself and you know to what measure you can be unselfish. So keep it really real. Can you, by asking me to walk along side you for the rest of this life, give me the kind of love that would consider my wants, needs and desires before your own...especially if your wants, needs and desires will cause harm, hurt or harassment to my emotional physical mental or spiritual peace? Can you assure that your "love" will not be belligerent? Can you assure me that your love will be compassionate?
I don't know. The older I get the more I feel like love, though integral, is not central to the longevity of a relationship. Allow me to qualify that statement before you write me off as crazy and start questioning whether or not I love my own husband. Of course I do. That said, loving him is not the sole basis for choosing to respect and consider him in my decision making. Is it important, for me, to know that he loves me? Duh! It is more important to know that I can trust him with the parts of me that are so delicate that few people (one person outside of him) even know exist.
Anyway! I'm done rambling....literally. If you took the time to read it...great. if you were able to make sense of it and it actually resonated with you...fabulous!
*orginally posted 5/24/08
Doesn't That Make Sense
My family and I were in Tulsa over the weekend, killing time before church yesterday around brunch time walking around the Philbrook area (on Peoria a little ways up from Brookside). There is a wooded area beyond the floral garden My kids were chasing squirrels up trees, running ater them at full speed like they could really catch them. My husband made some off-color joke about half of our children's ancestry (his half) saying Africans have an inbred instinct to hunt...anyway!
Back in the car the girls and their daddy start talking about all the places squirrels can be found. They say squirrels live in Oklahoma. In Virginia. In Texas. Now, Lawrence being himself, he says, "Squirrels don't live in Texas." Lauryn and Ashley both offer a disgusted chorus of, "Uh-huh!" He's tickled as he continues to debate with them about Texas being the lone place in the world where no squirrels can be sited let alone chased.
Exhausted by her dad's opposing opinion Lauryn, my oldest, says, "Squirrels are in Texas because Sandy the Squirrel from Spongebob is from Texas. So that means there are squirrels in Texas."
Lawrence and I shared an "impressed parent" grin. He conceded, "Okay, if Sandy is a squirrel and she is from Texas then I guess there are squirrels in Texas."
Gotta love a child's logic!
*This was originally posted on my (defunct) myspace page 7/8/08
Back in the car the girls and their daddy start talking about all the places squirrels can be found. They say squirrels live in Oklahoma. In Virginia. In Texas. Now, Lawrence being himself, he says, "Squirrels don't live in Texas." Lauryn and Ashley both offer a disgusted chorus of, "Uh-huh!" He's tickled as he continues to debate with them about Texas being the lone place in the world where no squirrels can be sited let alone chased.
Exhausted by her dad's opposing opinion Lauryn, my oldest, says, "Squirrels are in Texas because Sandy the Squirrel from Spongebob is from Texas. So that means there are squirrels in Texas."
Lawrence and I shared an "impressed parent" grin. He conceded, "Okay, if Sandy is a squirrel and she is from Texas then I guess there are squirrels in Texas."
Gotta love a child's logic!
*This was originally posted on my (defunct) myspace page 7/8/08
Friday, May 1, 2009
Wisdom's Words
Sometime's you're trolling the internet looking for everything and nothing at the same time. Then, you stumble upon something so true it resonates with the core of who you least who you aim to be. In this case, it is Rev Run's Words of Wisdom that I have sent to my phone as I follow him on Twitter.
I have decided to post some quotes from his recent posts...enjoy!
Dont worry about past mistakes... Your future is SPOTLESS!.. Look ahead & build!
Dont judge each day by the harvest you reap,, but the seeds you plant,,, (It'll work if u work it!)
God gave man 2 ends, 1 to think with & 1 to sit on. Since that day mans success & failure depended on which end he used the most .
Be a focused solider) Let us not look back in anger or foward on fear.. BUT around in awareness..
You want wrong people out of your life?? Become focused doing the right things. Those doing wrong things will find u unbearable!
Learn the art of working on a goal & being content SIMULTANEOUSLY! Have patience! So that when the grapes reach u they wont B sour grapes!
True individual independence cannot exist without economic security
Are You happy?? (Remember this) Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities needed for progress! Stay energized!!
To dare is to lose one footing momentarily
One might as well ride 2 horses in 2 different directions. If he expects 2 reach his goal with contradictary desires fighting each other
I have decided to post some quotes from his recent posts...enjoy!
Dont worry about past mistakes... Your future is SPOTLESS!.. Look ahead & build!
Dont judge each day by the harvest you reap,, but the seeds you plant,,, (It'll work if u work it!)
God gave man 2 ends, 1 to think with & 1 to sit on. Since that day mans success & failure depended on which end he used the most .
Be a focused solider) Let us not look back in anger or foward on fear.. BUT around in awareness..
You want wrong people out of your life?? Become focused doing the right things. Those doing wrong things will find u unbearable!
Learn the art of working on a goal & being content SIMULTANEOUSLY! Have patience! So that when the grapes reach u they wont B sour grapes!
True individual independence cannot exist without economic security
Are You happy?? (Remember this) Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities needed for progress! Stay energized!!
To dare is to lose one footing momentarily
One might as well ride 2 horses in 2 different directions. If he expects 2 reach his goal with contradictary desires fighting each other
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